Gem Cutting
Gem Cutting


Spessartite (or spessartine) garnet is an orange to reddish-brown variety of the gemstone garnet. Mohs hardness: 6.5-7.5 Color: Yellow, yellow-orange, orange, orange-red, red, reddish-brown, brown Crystal structure: cubic Luster: Vitreous (glassy), resinous, or...


Ruby is one of the most popular jewelry stones. Fine-quality rubies are some of the most expensive gemstones. However, rubies are also subjected to more treatments than almost any other gem. For this reason, ruby prices can range from a few hundred dollars a carat to...


Opals are one of the most unique gemstones in the world, known for their unique iridescent, fire-like appearance.Opals are in a class by themselves. Color: All colors, with black being the rarest. Precious opals will appear iridescent over whichever primary body tone...


Labradorite is a feldspar gemstone known for displaying a stunning internal iridescence called “labradorescence,” a type of adularescence. This feature is sometimes called “schiller Color: Typically colorless, white, yellow, or gray; May show red, orange, yellow,...


Jade is a term that describes two different gemstones that look incredibly alike: jadeite and nephrite. Beloved for centuries, jade has a special place in many cultures worldwide. Jadeite and Nephrite Specifications and Characteristics Color: Typically green; Can be...


Garnet gems aren’t just one type of gemstone, but a group of similar stones from one mineral family. They come in all sorts of colors, including red, yellow, orange, purple, pink, green, gray, brown, and black. There are even color-changing varieties. Almandine Garnet...
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