Gem Cutting
Gem Cutting


Emerald is one of the oldest and most popular gems in the world that almost everyone knows and is interested in, and it can be called the king of gemstones. Color: green, yellow-green, bluish-green Crystal structure: hexagonal Luster: vitreous Transparency:...


Diamonds are brilliant, illustrious carbon minerals known, and you can find it in almost any jewelry store. Color: Colorless; Can be shades of yellow, orange, red, blue, green, purple, and brown Crystal structure: Cubic Luster: Adamantine Transparency: Transparent...


Demantoid is a garnet gemstone  variety with an emerald-green color and mesmerizing, diamond-like sparkle. It’s known for being the most brilliant and currently most valuable garnet variety. Mineral family: Andradite Garnet Mohs hardness: 6.5-7 Color: Yellow-green,...


Citrine is the yellow to red-orange variety of crystalline quartz. As the second most common mineral in the Earth’s crust, quartz varieties are everywhere. Color: yellow, orange, golden, brownish orange, reddish-orange Crystal structure: trigonal Luster: vitreous...

Blue Sapphire

Blue Sapphire is a corundum gemstone beloved for many reasons throughout history. Besides its beautiful colors, people have revered sapphires for their alleged spiritual powers and durability in industrial applications. Mineral family: Corundum Mohs hardness: 9 Color:...


Ametrine is a variety of quartz that displays bands of both amethyst purple and citrine yellow. Color: Purple, Yellow Streak: White Luster: vitreous (glass-like) Cleavage: None Refractive index: 1.54-1.55 Mohs Hardness Scale: 7 Specific Gravity: 2.6-2.7 Crystal...
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